Doing Business with Council forum

Come along to our "Doing Business with Council" event, designed especially for new and existing suppliers interested in partnering with Mackay Regional Council.

This is a fantastic opportunity to meet with Council representatives and gain valuable insights into our procurement processes. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Understanding the tender / quote documentation and responses.
  • Insurances and other qualification requirements.
  • Upcoming capital works.
  • Speciality requirements.

Most recent forum - June 2024

The Mackay Regional Council's Procurement Program held a highly successful "Doing Business with Council" event on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at council’s Paget Depot. The event, designed to engage both new and existing suppliers, aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of Council’s procurement processes and upcoming opportunities.

The event had 21 suppliers in attendance, many of whom were potential new suppliers to council. The initiative showcased council's commitment to fostering strong, transparent relationships with its suppliers and highlighted its dedication to supporting local businesses.

Doing business with council forum information pack

Expression of interest

Due to the success of the June event and council’s commitment to continuing these valuable interactions, ensuring that local businesses are well-informed and well-prepared for future opportunities, another event will be held towards the end of the year (2024).

For more information or to express an interest in future events, please complete the form below.