Organising events in the Mackay region

Mackay is one of Australia’s fastest growing, yet most idyllic regions, where lifestyle and prosperity are the daily currency and the world is increasingly gathering to meet, work and play.

A fresh new event destination, Mackay boasts affordable world-class facilities and services with small town hospitality and excellence in customer service.

If you are planning an event in the Mackay region, you may need a Temporary Entertainment Event Permit.

This guide has been developed to help you organise and run an event in the Mackay region, including dealing with council regulations, safety and notification to stakeholders, grants and sponsorship opportunities and access to useful event planning resources.


Find an event site

The Mackay region has a range of indoor and outdoor venue options to suit a broad range of events. Depending on the type of event, the number of attendees and proposed setup and location, a park booking with council may be required.

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Entertainment event permits

If you are organising an event in the Mackay region you may be required to complete a Temporary Entertainment Event Approval. Find out if you require an event permit, how to apply and the fees payable.

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Related event approvals

Depending on the activities planned, an event may require approvals for food vendors, parks booking, selling or serving alcohol, signage, fireworks, traffic and parking management and temporary road closures, etc.

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Event preparation and safety

As part of your Temporary Entertainment Event Permit application, you need to provide documentation of event preparation and safety including a risk management plan, safety risk assessments in crowded places - terrorism and public liability insurance. Understand the requirements for bins and toilets, rides, animals, temporary buildings and structures, electrical and gas safety and noise management.

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Plastic free 

Sustainable events

If you are organising an event in the Mackay region please check out these tips and tools to help you make your event more sustainable.

There are many ways to reduce the impact of your event on the planet and our community.

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Accessible event with child in a wheelchair 

Accessible events

A successful, accessible and inclusive event is one where all attendees have an opportunity to access and experience every aspect of the event.

A range of resources have been developed by the Queensland Government to assist you in creating accessible events.

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Grants and sponsorship

Financial and in-kind support is available to events and activations that drive positive outcomes for the region.

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Promote my event online

Create your free event listing(s) to help you connect to your consumers.

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Events toolkit and resources

Council has gathered links to useful resources to help with your event planning.

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Water station 

Portable water stations

Council has free portable water stations for community groups to use at their events.

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