Buying a home

Buying a property is one of the largest investments you can make.

There are a number of council searches available to prospective homeowners in the Mackay Regional Council area.

Searches are arranged by completing a Property Search Application and paying the relevant fee.

If you are unsure about the type of search to request when purchasing a property, consult a solicitor and/or conveyancing professional.

Solicitors and conveyancers can log in via online services.

Council provides services and searches including:

How to obtain a search

Search results will be emailed to the email address specified on the Property Search Application. Processing timeframes and fees can be found on the Search Application.

One search per property

One search per single property will be provided. If more than one property is required, please provide the appropriate fees for each additional property.  However, planning certificates and plumbing and building searches are one per parcel.