Building and Plumbing Records Search (BPRS)

A BPRS provides information about what building and plumbing approvals are recorded against a property in council’s records.

A fee applies for the search with the amount differing depending on the class of the building (i.e. Class 1&10 – Residential OR Class 2-9 – Commercial).

What information does a BPRS provide?


  • Any outstanding building requisitions registered against a property
  • Description of approved structure
  • Approval date
  • Approval number
  • Final inspection date
  • Any outstanding plumbing requisitions registered against a property
  • Description of approved plumbing permit works
  • Permit date
  • Permit number
  • Final inspection date

What a BPRS does not provide?

  • A physical inspection to confirm current records;
  • Confirm or deny that any further work has been performed on the premises.

How long is my BPRS going to take?

  • Normal timeframe within 10 working days

Other important information

A Building and Plumbing Records Search should not be relied on as proof that there aren’t any requisitions on a property or that a building complies in all respects with the Standard Building Laws and the Standard Sewerage / Water Supply Laws and approved plans.

For more information download the building and plumbing record search factsheet.